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Token Metadata Standard (Version 1.0)

Wallets should support the display of metadata associated with tokens, in accordance with the standards described by the Metaplex Token Metadata contract. Wallets should pull both the on-chain data and the external JSON provided by the metadata's uri field and use them to display all relevant data.

Follow the standards defined in this document to ensure your NFTs will be correctly displayed in most wallets and to allow usage of all functionalities related to NFTs.

Explorers, Wallets and Marketplaces should ensure they have these checks in place before choosing to display the token as an NFT

Token Metadata Program

The Token Metadata program provides decorator structs to a token mint. Basic information about the token is provided with the Metadata struct, whose account address is a Program Derived Address (PDA) with a derived key of ['metadata', metadata_program_id, mint_id].

Your NFT should have the following information as on-chain metadata:

FieldTypeDescriptionHow do we display it
namestringname of the assetgrid view and single NFT view
symbolstringsymbol of the assetnot shown currently
uristringURI to the external JSON representing the assetlinked in the single NFT view
creatorsarraypublic key of each creatorshown in the single NFT view, resolved to twitter handles if they are connected via Solana Name Service
update_authoritystringpublic key of the metadata ownershown in the single NFT view, can be updated in the send NFT modal
primary_sale_happenedbooleanflag describing whether the primary sale of the token happenedvisible in the send NFT modal, can be updated
seller_fee_basis_pointsnumberroyalties percentage awarded to creatorsshown as a percentage received by each co-creator

The program also specifies optional structs used for the creation Master Editions and Editions.


To display off-chain metadata of tokens, the on-chain struct needs to contain a URI as described above, which will allow wallets to find it.

The file below should be used as a reference.

JSON Structure

Here is an example of off-chain JSON metadata.

"name": "Solflare X NFT",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Celebratory Solflare NFT for the Solflare X launch",
"seller_fee_basis_points": 0,
"image": "",
"animation_url": "",
"external_url": "",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "web",
"value": "yes"
"trait_type": "mobile",
"value": "yes"
"trait_type": "extension",
"value": "yes"
"collection": {
"name": "Solflare X NFT",
"family": "Solflare"
"properties": {
"files": [
"uri": "",
"type": "image/png"
"uri": "",
"type": "unknown",
"cdn": true
"uri": "",
"type": "video/mp4"
"category": "video",
"creators": [
"address": "xEtQ9Fpv62qdc1GYfpNReMasVTe9YW5bHJwfVKqo72u",
"share": 100

For the fields that match the on-chain metadata, on-chain information has priority.

  • description - Human readable description of the asset.
  • image - URL to the image of the asset. PNG, GIF and JPG file formats are supported. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.
  • animation_url - URL to a multimedia attachment of the asset. The supported file formats are MP4 and MOV for video, MP3, FLAC and WAV for audio, GLB for AR/3D assets, and HTML for HTML pages. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.
  • external_url - URL to an external application or website where users can also view the asset.
  • properties.category - Supported categories:
    • "image" - PNG, GIF, JPG
    • "video" - MP4, MOV
    • "audio" - MP3, FLAC, WAV
    • "vr" - 3D models; GLB, GLTF
    • "html" - HTML pages; scripts and relative paths within the HTML page are also supported
  • properties.files - Object array, where an object should contain the uri and type of the file that is part of the asset. The type should match the file extension. The array should also include files specified in image and animation_url fields, and any other that are associated with the asset. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.
  • attributes - Object array, where an object should contain trait_type and value fields. value can be a string or a number.

Additional suggestions

CDN hosted files

In addition to hosting your assets on a permanent service, you can also host your assets on a CDN (to provide faster loading times). Just use the cdn boolean flag within the objects inside the properties.files array.

  "properties": {
"files": [
"uri": "",
"type": "unknown",
"cdn": true

If such a flag exists, that file is the primary option when selecting the multimedia-attachment (video, audio or 3D) that will be displayed to owners. If that file is no longer available, wallets should default to it using the URL in animation_url field.


If the NFT belongs to a group of other unique NFTs, you can mark them with an additional collection field that contains the name of the collection.

  "collection": {
"name": "Pigs on Solana Season #1",
"family": "Pigs on Solana"
} represents the larger set of NFTs your asset can belong to, in the case you are making multiple variations on a theme. It should always be a unique identifier of your whole project and never a general term like "cars", "art" or similar.

Wallets might group NFTs belonging to the same family and display the collection name on a single NFT view.

Order of JSON fields

Since your wallet will give users a direct link to the JSON file, it is recommended to keep the order of fields same as in the reference, to maintain good human readability of its contents.

Other arbitrary data

Use the properties field to store other arbitrary data that will be used by specialized applications.

If your project could benefit with the expansion of this standard, do not hesitate to contact us with your suggestions.


Thanks to Solflare for putting the first version of this document together.